Non-Magical Thinking - Janet Emig

I found using the two columns "I used to think" and "I'm beginning to think" very helpful in cementing the paradigm shift that I would like to model via my attitude about learning to write and facilitating writing.

I still believe that time for writing is our biggest enemy in a product-centered world, especially with technology advancing so rapidly.


  1. This is a good strategy, and we should probably revisit it throughout the year. We should be reflecting at least a few times a week, if not every day, about our teaching practice. Perhaps at the end of every unit, or every grading period, we might do some kind of summative assessment of our teaching.

  2. WE should be reflecting on a regular basis about our teaching. Perhaps it would be worth going back through our notes periodically, and go through this process. Make it a form of summative assessment of our own practice.
